Kerala Police on Facebook

[ad] This is an initiative of the Intelligence Department of the Kerala Police to reach out  to the cyber world. Become a member and spread the word about the group called Netizen Police. Let netizens post anything which needs the attention

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Kanjikode Rail Coach Factory

There are two coach factories in India, the Rail Coach Factory in Kapurthala, Punjab and Integral Coach Factory in Chennai. Both these coach manufacturing units have manufactured thousands of coaches for the Indian Railways. A third Rail Coach Factory is also going to be established in Kerala and people of Palakkad can be proud of the fact that the proposed site for the Coach factory is Kanjikode.

Real Estate Investment – Better Than Other Investments

Today real estate investing seems to be very lucrative, because the property value keeps on increasing day by day. People, who have excess money, now prefer to invest in real estate, because it will fetch them double the amount they invested, after a few years. The real estate markets which were dull during the recession period, has now picked up and at present the market has picked up tremendously and prove to be a delight and attraction for people who are thinking of an investment.