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Vitamin C May Improve Smokers Blood Circulation
A dose of vitamin C may give a quick boost to the poorer-than-average blood circulation seen in healthy young smokers, a study suggests. The study of 25 healthy men found that although smokers initially showed poorer results on a test of blood flow to the heart that changed after they took a large dose - 2 grams - of vitamin C. Shortly after taking the vitamin, the 13 smokers showed blood circulation on par with that of the 12 non-smokers, according to findings published in a leading heart journal. However, lest smokers think they can undo heart damage by chasing a cigarette with a vitamin C pill, the researchers say their findings underline the dangers of smoking. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, a substance that helps clear the body of cell-damaging molecules called oxygen free radicals. Because of this, it's thought that the vitamin may counter the "oxidative stress" that smoking puts on the lining of the blood vessels - a mechanism by which smoking leads to artery disease. The new study looked at the effect of oral vitamin C on coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR), a measure of how well blood flow speeds up to help the heart when it's under high demands. Past research has shown that smokers show poorer blood-vessel dilation in response to blood flow, and have a diminished CFVR. The research team used a non-invasive ultrasound technique to measure CFVR in smokers and non-smokers, before and after they took vitamin C. They found that before taking the vitamin, smokers had a lower CFVR than non-smokers did. Two and four hours after the dose of vitamin C, however, smokers' average CFVR was "restored" to a more-normal level. Though the men in the study were given a large dose of vitamin C, researchers pointed out that it's probably useless to take doses beyond 200 milligrams, because the body will excrete the excess. Moreover, it's not clear that loading up on vitamin C can benefit smokers. Some trials have found that taking C supplements does not improve smokers' blood vessel function, at least in the short term. Researchers said further, large-scale trials should look at whether daily vitamin C supplements cut smokers' long-term risk of coronary artery disease. Tanya Roberts is research associate, www.onlinesmoker.com
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The Benefits of Whey Protein Concentrate Whey protein concentrate popularity has increased dramatically in recent years because of advances in processing technology. Whey protein begins as a watery byproduct of cheese manufacturing. In its crude state, whey is about 93% water, 6.5% lactose, 0.9% protein and 0.2% vitamins, minerals, and fat-soluble nutrients. In this form, whey is not of much benefit to athletes, but with gentle low-temperature processing and filtration, this liquid can be stripped of most of its lactose, fat, cholesterol and water to yield concentrated whey powders containing anywhere from 34 to 89% protein. A Review of Popular Whey Protein Products Because whey protein products have a wide variety of uses and appeal to large groups of people, determining which one can lay claim to the title best whey protein will never be agreed upon by everybody. For some, the powder works the best because they can mix it with flavored juices and produce a pleasing drink that gives them the nutrients they need. For others, it's the concentrate that gives them what they expect in small doses that don't inconvenience them. Still, there are many products to choose from and many manufacturers to decide between before you arrive at the best whey protein for you. Omega 3s... Fish Oil, and DHA... There is no doubt that Omega 3's can not only help your heart and joints but it will also help your brain. Most people are aware of this, but do the benefits of Omega 3's apply across the board for all types of Omega 3's? There are now many Companies in the world market today trying to capitalize on the Omega 3 'boom' with such a wide range of products and so many claims that it is hard for the consumer to sift out fact from fiction. Store Bought Vitamins - Synthetic? Did you know that most store bought vitamins and minerals are synthetic and are hard on your liver and kidneys? Have you noticed that if you do take store bought vitamins that you switch the brands like switching shampoos? Cortisol Blockers- After the Hype and Controversy, are there any Quality Products Still Standing? Over the last 2 years, the link between weight gain and the stress hormone Cortisol has taken center stage. The concept was introduced, capitalized upon, and basically challenged in the legal system all within the last 2 years. The FTC filed a lawsuit against a maker of a Cortisol product claiming false advertising and unsubstantiated claims, yet you still see and hear of products claiming to control Cortisol. The public still seems to hold onto hope regarding the possibility of the science and potential effectiveness of these products. Increasing overall Health with Nutritional Supplements "But I eat healthy," you might say. That may be but if you are not supplementing your diet with nutritional supplements then you likely have certain nutritional deficiencies. You might be eating everything you should be but the problem is that the majority of our fruits and vegetables today do not have the nutrients they once had. They have been stripped of their valuable nutrients by big business farming practices, premature picking and improper storage practices. While we may think we are eating well we are eating empty calories from nutrient stripped food grown in land stripped of the necessary minerals to produce healthy food. I Have a Headache! Actually, my headache is not the result of just thinking ? it's due more to what I've been thinking about. I can normally go for months and months and months without any perceptible twinge of intracranial discomfort. No problems at all. Well unless I decide to chance it and watch more than one reality show in a week. Then I'll notice a bit of distress. But apart from that, life is good and the old gray matter just keeps cruising along in the smiley mode. Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Benefits Extensive research studies show that taking vitamin and mineral supplements can potentially improve your health, protect against disease and provide you with the energy you need to live a healthy life. Although each contribute differently to your needs, vitamins and minerals work together in order to give you a balanced amount of all the components needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals that are essential to your overall health and why they are important: What to Look For In Selecting A High Quality Nutritional Supplement! Have you ever purchased something thinking you had bought a really good product only to later find out that you could have had a better product for the same money? I know I have. And our friend Henry is shortly about to discover this sick feeling for himself in a very personal way. You see, Henry had never seen the information contained in this report. Calcium and Women: For More Than Just Bones For women, calcium is one of the most important nutrients required during all stages of life. It is essential to the health of our bones, teeth, skin, heart, muscle, nerves and for proper blood clotting. Between age 12 through 35, the body accumulates most of the calcium it will use to prevent bone loss common in post- menopausal women. During this time intake should be between 1000 and 1500 mg/day (adolescent and pregnant woman requiring the most). Probiotics and Friendly Flora You Need Probiotics For Better Digestion and Overall Health Improving Cellular Communication With Glyconutrients The body is just mind-bogglingly amazing. I mean, when you think of all the complicated bio-physiological things it does by itself without your help? Why Do Liquid Form Nutritional Supplements Have Much Greater Bodily Absorption Than Pills? Did you know that when you take vitamins and minerals in the traditional tablet or capsule form your body only assimilates 10 to 12% of the nutrients, and that figure drops to 3 to 5% after 35-40 years of age? Liquid (also known as colloidal) vitamin form provides the highest possible assimilation of nutrients into the body. Colloidal minerals and vitamin particles are over 7000 times smaller than a human cell. Approximately 98% of liquid form supplements ingested can be used by the body within 15 to 30 minutes. This percentage is far superior to the 3 to 10% assimilation of traditional pill and capsule supplements and means that you would have to take 10 to 20 multi-vitamin pills every day to have comparable assimilation. That would be like swallowing one or two handfuls of those rock hard pills every morning which is definitely a tall order, especially for older people, children and people who hate taking vitamin pills--well, that covers just about everybody. Not to mention how expensive it would be to buy all of those pills! Supplements and Vitamins - Can They Enhance Your Weight Loss Goals? Nutritional supplements can play a key role in the health of children and adults. Many people feel that they don't get enough vitamins and minerals through their daily intake of food and, therefore, turn to supplements to fill in the gaps. Dietary supplements come in a variety of sizes, potencies and, of course, health claims. Dietary and Nutritional Supplements: Know More About Supplements At times, due to your busy and fast life, we tend to miss out on the essential nutrients such as protien, vitamins and minerals which are responsible for our good health. Good nutrition is the most important factor in achieving optimal health. If we face some type of challenges in life which doesn't allow us to have a balanced diet all the time, then supplementing out daily diet with food supplements is quick, easy and effective way to fill nutrient gaps. Are Bodybuilding Supplements Really Necessary? Bodybuilding supplements generally fall under the classification of dietary supplements, therefore they are not regulated by the FDA. There is absolutely nothing guaranteeing the purity of body building supplements, or the safety of using them. In addition, the manufacturer can claim benefits of the product that have not been tested or proven. Using Weight Loss Supplements To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Supplement is a word defined by Webster as such: Something added to complete a thing or to make up for a deficiency. Even so; some weight loss supplement companies market their products as magic pills and some consumers think of them as such. Best Vitamins to Help Keep You Fit at Forty Plus Our bodies change as we age, and to remain vigorous, active and healthy in our middle years and beyond requires that we supply them with good nutrition and regular exercise. It's almost too simple, isn't it? However, staying faithful to a healthy lifestyle requires commitment and self-discipline, and an understanding that you are the one who must make the appropriate choices. When you enter your middle years at age forty, you can no longer ignore the relevance of diet and exercise to health even if you did so in your youth. Antioxidants Biological oxidation involves transferring electrons from one oxygen molecule to another. Sometimes an electron escapes. When this happens the "free" electron is called a free radical. Free radicals constantly form almost everywhere in the body at an astonishing rate. Free radicals can be enemies or friends. Our body's internal environment must interact with them the right way, or they can cause serious damage. The key is to maintain the optimal balance between free radicals and antioxidants. Eat Well First Before You Take Your Vitamins There is a huge market when it comes to vitamins. Every Walmart and Walgreens across the nation are stocked with shelves and shelves of vitamins and minerals. Do you actually know what vitamins are and how they can help you? The word vitamin is from combining ?vital amine by a Polish chemist Casimir Funk in 1912. Vitamin B1 was first isolated by Funk. He determined that B1 is one of the vitamins that prevented beriberi. Not much beriberi going around these days thanks to Funk. Vitamins are organic and function as catalysts for reactions. If these catalysts or vitamins are missing such as in a vitamin deficiency, the body can begin breaking down and you can become sick. ![]() |
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