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Best Vitamins to Help Keep You Fit at Forty Plus
Our bodies change as we age, and to remain vigorous, active and healthy in our middle years and beyond requires that we supply them with good nutrition and regular exercise. It's almost too simple, isn't it? However, staying faithful to a healthy lifestyle requires commitment and self-discipline, and an understanding that you are the one who must make the appropriate choices. When you enter your middle years at age forty, you can no longer ignore the relevance of diet and exercise to health even if you did so in your youth. There is an overwhelming amount of information on nutrition and exercise readily available to all of us. There are information articles in the daily newspaper, in magazines, and on the Internet. There are even CDs you can buy or rent and play on your computer if you have the right software. As well, there are TV programs and innumerable books devoted to these subjects. If you want an education on nutrition for life, the best vitamins for your age and sex, the best practices for weight loss, or a diet and nutrition guide complete with charts showing health-boosting and health-harming factors in your diet, it's out there. While health professional don't agree on everything, they are united in their support of general health rules governing what you should eat, the benefits of remaining active, and health risks to avoid. Don't bother to search for anyone who will champion endless TV watching, smoking, guzzling beer, and a fast food diet as acceptable lifestyle choices. You won't find anyone. (I've already looked.) Keep Moving The benefits of exercise cannot be overrated as a means of staying young and energetic. However, fitness at forty doesn't require taking up bodybuilding or becoming a crack golfer. Involvement in sports is certainly pleasurable, and if you have any interest in pastimes like playing golf or tennis, cycling, kayaking, skiing, or baseball ? to name a few ? you can find lots of other people who share your interest and whose enthusiasm will keep you coming back for more. However, if you have never participated in sports in your youth and don't feel confident enough at forty to join a team, or you haven't the time to invest in becoming skilled enough at some particular sport to enjoy yourself, don't be discouraged. There's one thing you can do at which you are already very skilled ? you can walk. Brisk walking is one of the best ways to become fit and to stay that way. It is also one of the least expensive activities to pursue, and if you really enjoy it, there is a natural progression to ? wait for it ? hiking. Walking and hiking can also be group activities and you may have friends or family members who decide to join you and increase their fitness levels as well. Don't overlook health clubs, aerobic classes, dancing lessons, or aquatic classes. There are fitness classes for every age group and level, and there are personal trainers who will design a fitness program just for you. If you ever thought you would like to tap dance or belly-dance, get out there and do it. Time is moving on, and to stay healthy, you must move with it. Eat Well and Take Your Supplements Eating nutritiously means choosing foods that provide you with the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as vitamins and minerals. Minimum levels that are required to keep you from suffering from a deficiency in one of more of these elements is not the same thing as obtaining sufficient quantities to reach an optimum level of health and to maximize your body's ability to fight disease. Even if you make a conscientious effort to choose foods from each of the food groups so that you are eating a balanced diet every day (and how likely is that?), you might still lack a particular nutrient that your body requires. Soils in which we grow fruits and vegetables are often depleted in nutrients, which means the foods grown in these soils are depleted, too. Nutrients can also be lost in the shipping, storing, preserving, and even the cooking of food. Does this mean you have to eat only fresh, organic food ? preferable grown by yourself ? and most of it raw? Yum, yum. Fortunately, there is another way. You can add nutrients to your diet by taking a multivitamin supplement, and you can choose one that has been formulated for your sex, your stage of life, and your particular needs. Vitamins and mineral are known as micronutrients because only microscopic amounts are needed in comparison to the amount of protein, carbohydrate, and fat we should consume and the quantity of water we should drink each day. As small as these amounts are, they are essential to life and health, and you may need more than normal amounts of some of them because of your particular circumstance: you are recovering from surgery or an illness or you are under a lot of stress; you smoke or drink a lot; or you are on a restricted diet or trying to lose weight. Women in their forties are usually still menstruating and may be also be bearing and/or raising children as well as working at full-time jobs outside the home. They need particular nutrients for this stressful stage of life, and must also prepare their bodies for the following decade which brings the menopause years. Women in their forties, therefore, should eat foods low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Women should also take a daily supplement that includes: ? Calcium (300 to 1200 mg) to protect themselves from osteoporosis ? Magnesium (400 to 800 mg.) to assist in relieving PMS, or premenstrual tension ? Iron (40 mg.) to ensure sufficient iron levels which may be lowered by menstruating ? Vitamin E (200 to 600 IUs) to protect against cell-damaging free radicals In their forties, men, like their female counterparts, are also stressed by combining work and parenting roles and need the same well-balanced diet, low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Men should take a daily supplement that includes: ? Beta-carotene, or vitamin A (5,000 IUs) to help prevent cancer, stroke, and heart disease, and to help lower cholesterol levels ? Vitamin E (400 IUs) to protect against coronary artery disease and poor circulation For good health nutrition is of paramount importance, which means eating balanced meals and taking one or more daily supplements designed with your needs in mind. A multivitamin will give you all the vitamins and minerals necessary to sustain life and health and you should choose one that has been formulated for your sex and your stage of life. Remember to take your supplements with water at mealtime to help increase their absorption and to take advantage of the synergy that occurs when nutrients act together. For a healthy lifestyle in your forties, you should also make time for regular exercise. Go for it. Scott Gray is currently a freelance writer and enjoys providing tips to consumers who are in the market for all types of vitamins, herb vitamins and multivitamins.
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Colostrum: Immune Support From Mothers Milk This complex mixture of nutrient-rich growth factors, immunoglobulins, glycoconjugates and a variety of other important immune boosting compounds is a natural way to improve your physical health and well-being. Should You Be Taking Liquid Vitamins? How many pills do you have to take every morning? Lots of multivitamins in there? For most people the answer is yes, considering there are more multivitamins sold than Prozac or Viagra! L-Carnitine For Health & Muscle Growth: What You Need To Know About L-Carnitine L-carnitine is a nutritional supplement that has been touted by body builders and other athletes as a safe and helpful way to create bigger and more efficient muscles. Some physicians and researchers have looked at L-carnitine to prevent muscle wasting in people who need kidney dialysis; alternative medicine purveyors suggest that L-carnitine may stop cellular aging. In order for you to make a healthy decision about using L-carnitine, we've put together some information any potential buyer should have. Herbal Supplement Herbal Supplement ? what is it? What Good Is It To Stop Smoking If I Have Smoked For Years? I often hear people say that they have smoked for so long that they can't see what good it would do to quit now. So what is the big deal if you quit smoking? Will it do you any good or is it a pointless exercise in futility? The Real Truth About Supplements Not All Supplements are Created Equal. There are more supplements available than I would care to count and keep track of. So what is the biggest difference between all the different supplements? In my world you can divide all supplements into two categories: Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - Ecdysterone Ecdysterone is a powerful compound that can help to maximise your genetic potential to build muscle. It exists in the herbs Rhaponticium and Cyanatis Vaga. Although it has been known about for many years the expense associated with its extraction meant it was not viable for commercial production. Recent advancements in extraction technology, through in-vitrio cultivation, have made wholesale production possible. Weight Lifting Supplement Weight Lifting Supplement ? what is it? Acid Amino Arginine ? An Acid With Many Benefits When you buy acid amino arginine you can look forward to a range of benefits that contribute to your health and body function. Many people buy acid amino arginine because this acid offers many benefits. The body does create this acid, which makes it a non-essential acid. However, as with many other amino acids, you can really benefit by supplementing the acid found in the body and in food. This type of acid is known for stimulating the growth hormone, but users of arginine can benefit in many other ways, from the body's natural treatment of injury to everyday function and disease prevention. That Brilliant Vitamin: Vitamin B Perhaps you first read riboflavin at the back of a cereal box. Perhaps you first encountered folic acid from your first grade science teacher. Perhaps you first heard balanced diet from your mom. All that and more compose Vitamin B which is a group of eight individual vitamins, often referred to as B vitamins or B-complex vitamins. Vitamin B promotes normal growth and development, treats anemia and some types of nerve damage, helps mental and nervous conditions, improves resistance to infection and disease, increases appetite and energy, and improves memory. Vitamin B is also essential for the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose, breakdown of fats and proteins, muscles in the stomach and intestinal tract, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. Do You Need Vitamins On A Low Carb Diet? Should I Take Vitamins With My Low Carb Diet? Coral Calcium: The Preferred Source of Absorbable Calcium Coral Calcium is an excellent source of readily accessible and absorbable calcium in the body. Superior 100% pure fossilized, coral calcium is harvested from above ground, meaning that no harm is done to any living coral. Beta-Glucan May Prevent Anthrax When Taken Orally In a 2002 study, a group of researchers used oral Beta Glucan to treat mice infected with Bacillus Anthracites. With the high incidence of anthrax vaccine complications, an alternative preventative approach is sorely needed to deal with this frightening disease. Non specific immune stimulation methods, such as macrophage activation would be an excellent option. 3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence You read about a supplement that allegedly "Boosts your mood and motivation!" That sure sounds good so your surf over to the company's web site. The web site looks official--it's even got footnotes citing scientific journals. You're ready to purchase the supplement online until you ask yourself, "What if this supplement doesn't really possess any scientific evidence for its efficacy? How can I tell the difference between supplements with solid evidence for their reported benefits versus those lacking any scientific support?" Here are the 3 Steps to answer those questions: Step 1: Go to http://www.pubmed.org which is a National Library of Medicine (United States) web site where you can search for articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Why check PubMed? Because the National Library of Medicine carefully selects only high-quality journals that offer value to medical scientists around the world. Selection criteria are detailed on this web page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/jsel.html Step 2: Once on the PubMed web site, search for research articles using the generic (scientific) name of the supplement in question. Supplement manufacturers must list the scientific name for their supplement's ingredients on the label and in advertisements. Supplements often contain many ingredients but usually only a few provide the purported benefits. Those are the ingredients you want to evaluate--they are often the same ones the manufacturer highlights in advertisements. Step 3: This is the step some supplement companies don't want you to know. Before you click on the "Search" button at PubMed.org, limit your search to studies that utilize the right research methodology with the right population. The right research methodology is a randomized controlled trial (the double-blind, placebo control group design fits under this category) and the right population is human beings. Specifying human subjects is important because you want to know if the ingredients in a supplement have been shown to produce the advertised benefits in real live human beings--not just in rats pressing levers for food pellets or in a "case study" with one person. This is not to say that basic science research, which is often conducted initially with animals, is unimportant. On the contrary, such research usually serves as a crucial building block for subsequent clinical research with humans. But basic science research does not provide scientific evidence for a supplement's beneficial health effects on human beings. Only research with human subjects, using randomized controlled trials, can offer such evidence. On the PubMed.org search page, click on the "Limits" tab located under the "Search" box. You will see a number of drop-down menus. First click on the Publication Type menu and then select Randomized Controlled Trial. Next click on the drop-down menu labeled, Humans or Animals and click on Humans. An Example Morinda citrifolia is the scientific name for a popular ingredient in a nutritional supplement. First search on PubMed for Morinda citrifolia, without placing Limits on your search. How many results did you receive? The count was 69 at the time I wrote this article. Looks impressive, huh? But now search for Morinda citrifolia after first placing Limits on the search as described above, so that you receive only those studies which provide more definitive scientific evidence for the positive effects of Morinda citrifolia. How many journal articles did you find searching with the specified limits? I found 1. Thus, out of 69 articles found on PubMed.org, only one provides some evidence for Morinda citrifolia's beneficial effects. Shopping for Supplements -- Living Healthy and Saving Money When it comes to personalized weight loss programs and their role in weight loss success, diet gurus and so-called experts have had a lot to say when it comes to nutritional supplements. Usually what they are writing and saying and urging you to do is BUY! BUY! BUY! Vitamin Supplement Ratings ? Proof Of Popularity Vitamin supplement ratings quite clearly show just how popular nutritional care and supplement products have become over recent years. For many vitamin and herbal products, vitamin supplement ratings seem to indicate that consumers are becoming more and more concerned with their health, and increasingly keen to protect themselves against health problems. Many people now combine supplement and vitamin intake with a healthy diet to promote a more natural way of protecting their health and enhancing the body's ability to treat illness. 4 Answers To Living Life On Lifes Terms 1. What supplements do you take? Folate (Folic Acid) - A Health Supplement You probably know that ladies who are planning on having a family, should take Folate (Folic Acid) in their diet, or as a supplementary, because it is one of the well known B-Vitamin group, that has a role in preventing Spina Bifida in babies, but did you know that research is finding that it helps in a number of other problems as well. Iron Mineral101 Iron is a mineral that is essential to the health and functioning of the body. Deficiencies in iron can have serious consequences for overall health and even energy levels. While iron is important for both sexes, it is of particular importance to women due to biological and reproductive factors. However, world wide, many people do not meet the minimum suggested daily intake of iron resulting in a variety of health problems that range from the mild, which simply increasing the daily iron intake could remedy, to the severe, which often require more complex treatments but could easily have been avoided by sufficient daily iron consumption. Congestive Heart Failure And CoQ10 Since the 1960�??s there have been numerous controlled clinical trials concerning the relationship between congestive heart failure and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). As its name implies CoQ10 is a coenzyme that is necessary for the proper functioning of other substances, one of the most important of which is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is necessary for the production of cellular energy. By proxy CoQ10 is likewise essential for this process. ![]() |
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