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Beta-Glucan May Prevent Anthrax When Taken Orally
In a 2002 study, a group of researchers used oral Beta Glucan to treat mice infected with Bacillus Anthracites. With the high incidence of anthrax vaccine complications, an alternative preventative approach is sorely needed to deal with this frightening disease. Non specific immune stimulation methods, such as macrophage activation would be an excellent option. The way that anthrax works is by secreting two toxins: edema toxin and lethal toxin. The first of these stimulates an outpouring of fluid into the lungs, while the latter inhibits nuetrophil phagocytosis and triggers destructive intracellular reactions, destroying macrophage cells. This is especially threatening because of the fact that the lethal toxin prevents the macrophages from releasing their immune messengers, including TNF-alpha. The study in question showed that orally administered Beta Glucan greatly stimulates the levels of TNF-alph released from the macrophage, which overcomes the inhibition caused by the anthrax lethal toxin. Because of this, the mice that were treated with Beta Glucan experienced a significantly higher survival rate. Beta Glucan was also shown to stimulate the effectiveness of neutrophils. In fact, one study indicated that the efficiency of neutrophils was increased as much as 50-fold by this powerful supplement, allowing for much faster and more precise immune reactions. Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of Immune Wellness, your source for high quality information about Beta Glucan and other health products.
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Iron Mineral101 Iron is a mineral that is essential to the health and functioning of the body. Deficiencies in iron can have serious consequences for overall health and even energy levels. While iron is important for both sexes, it is of particular importance to women due to biological and reproductive factors. However, world wide, many people do not meet the minimum suggested daily intake of iron resulting in a variety of health problems that range from the mild, which simply increasing the daily iron intake could remedy, to the severe, which often require more complex treatments but could easily have been avoided by sufficient daily iron consumption. Vitamins for Smokers Numerous studies and surveys have consistently shown that a majority of adults frequently eat foods that contain too little vitamin B-6 and vitamin E. We consume far too many calories, and too much total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Women frequently eat too little folic acid, iron, calcium, and zinc. This is why it is so important to take a multi-vitamin daily. Research on Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, aiding the body's flexibility, mobility and moisture retention is a popular component of many anti-aging products but can also provide a wealth of benefits in the medical sphere. Recently, in an attempt to find effective treatment methods for arthritis, scientists have found a strong association between levels of Hyaluronic acid and severe knee and hip arthritis known as osteoarthritis or OA. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Lysine Lysine is an essential amino acid therefore it must be obtained from the diet as the body cannot produce its own. It is an essential building block for all protein in the body and can be found in animal meats, fish, dairy products, legumes and brewer's yeast. It performs many useful functions in the body and has proved to be especially useful in treating herpes and cold sores. Lysine also increases the absorption of calcium so it may help to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Can You Drink Your Way To Good Health? Many years ago I became convinced of the need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. Although I tried to eat healthy meals, mixing salads, fruits and vegetables, proteins and grains as wisely as I could, numerous studies pointed out the need to add nutritional supplements to my diet. Antioxidants Nutrients Have Powerful Anti-Cancer Activity! Antioxidants . . . The Nutrients Boost The Immune System and Have Powerful Anti-Cancer Activity . . . Health and nutrition experts have increasingly come to recognize the value of taking a synergistic blend of potent antioxidants, the cancer-fighting, health-promoting nutrients that help boost the immune system naturally. Heres a summary of major antioxidants that should be considered for daily intake . . . Researchers analyzed data from the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET). They focused on blood samples from 278 subjects with prostate cancer and 483 matched subjects without cancer. They analyzed blood levels of several carotenoids, including lutein vitamin A and vitamin E (alpha and gamma tocopherols), then identified correlations between those levels and the risk of lung and prostate cancer. Results: In the overall population, the highest intakes of lutein, zeaxanthin and alpha-tocopherol were associated with a significantly lower risk Buy Vitamins Supplements: Tips, Myths, and Facts - An Inside Story! With dietary supplements making their way in our daily life, we find it difficult to survive without them. We have very smartly and effectively heralded these supplements as panacea for all ills. But as the saying goes, too much of even good things can be bad! So, we should be cautious enough not to make supplements our oxygen. To know your thresholds of the supplements, read on. Should You Be Taking Liquid Vitamins? How many pills do you have to take every morning? Lots of multivitamins in there? For most people the answer is yes, considering there are more multivitamins sold than Prozac or Viagra! Antioxidants May Prevent Childhood Asthma A source suggests that there may be a new way to help children who are subjected to the dangers of second hand tobacco smoke. The Benefits of Whey Protein The benefits of whey protein are so numerous and apply to so many different groups of people, that listing them all would be quite a large undertaking. In the sense of an overview, the benefits of whey protein make it an excellent choice for individuals of all ages who struggle to maintain a healthy diet and to improve their overall health. Folate (Folic Acid) - A Health Supplement You probably know that ladies who are planning on having a family, should take Folate (Folic Acid) in their diet, or as a supplementary, because it is one of the well known B-Vitamin group, that has a role in preventing Spina Bifida in babies, but did you know that research is finding that it helps in a number of other problems as well. Supplements and Drugs: A Hazardous Combination As I have become more involved in using functional nutritional therapy in my practice, I have come to realize that many people are still confused about the safety and effectiveness of various dietary supplements. Because these products are "natural", many feel they are always safe to use. Although supplements and herbs can be safer than pharmaceutical drugs, they can still function as drugs in the body and should be used with caution and respect. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Taurine Taurine is the second most abundant amino acid in the muscle after glutamine. It performs several useful functions and can act in a way similar to creatine in that it expands cells by helping the muscle to hold more water, thus increasing cell volume. The added benefit for bodybuilders is that these expanded muscle cells boost hydration and stimulate greater protein synthesis giving an enhanced muscle fullness. Vitamin B-Complex: Gastric Bypass Patients Must Supplement The malabsorptive nature of the gastric bypass system prohibits adequate amounts of B-complex vitamins from food sources from entering the body of weight loss surgery patients. Annual blood tests indicate that patients who do not supplement their diet with B-Complex Vitamins are deficient. What is HGH? Hormones are chemical messengers made up of amino acids and produced by the endocrine glands to be sent all over the body to stimulate certain activities. Growth, digestion, reproduction and sexual functions in the human body are all triggered by hormones. Side Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Products Currently, there are no known side effects for most hyaluronic acid products including pills, serums, creams and liquids. However, there are some side effects associated with knee and facial injections. Improve Your Mental Cognitive Abilities The Connection Between Brain Inflammation, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease The Frightening But True Facts About Smoking If you think that smoking is a harmless little hobby and all the people harping on you to quit are overreactors, think again. Smoking is the number ONE preventable cause of premature death and morbidity in America. There is nothing more dangerous you can be doing to your health. And it isn't just bad for you, smoking around your kids can cause severe health complications down the road and cause serious damage while their lungs and other vital organs are developing. All of this information is well documented by the AMA, American Lung and Heart Associations, and the American Cancer Society. CortiCarb3000 Reviewed: Does It Perform As Promised? Carbohydrate blockers seem to have come and gone with the low carb craze. Basic carbohydrate blockers are available everywhere. CortiCarb3000 was introduced last year with little fan fare or marketing. Dynamic Nutritional Research seemed to have known something many did not. Do Natural Thyroid Boosters Work? How Well Does Thyrin-ATC and Other Natural Thyroid Products Work? ![]() |
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