A few ways to get rid of bad breath and get back your smile

Sparkling teeth and a sweet smile enlightens your looks, but however beautiful you are, if you have bad breathe, people will just walk away from you. Bad breath is not only embarrassing, but also makes you remain isolated from the crowd make you lose your self-confident, and you have to take the initiative to try out remedies to stop this problem instantly, because people will not sympathise with you. Before you find a permanent cure for bad breath, you have to understand what causes it.

photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

There are millions of bacteria in your mouth especially under the tongue and they thrive on the proteins from the food you eat and on the saliva in your mouth. The bacteria’s can survive without oxygen and in dryness and the white film that appears on your tongue, gums and teeth, reduces the oxygen, helping the bacteria to grow and cause bad breathe.

Bad breath known as Halitosis can be due to various reasons. Dairy products like cheese and sugary foods can give way to bacteria. Bacteria prefers dry environment and survives in the dryness of your mouth, and tobacco and alcohol, causes dryness and helps the bacteria to grow. Apart from this various diseases like diabetes, stomach problem, cancer, lung infection, and respiratory infections.

You can find a number of mint products and mouthwashes in the market today, to do away with bad breath, but they are only a temporary solution. If you want a permanent cure, the following tips are quite effective. The most important remedy to cure bad breath is dental hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal, and floss your mouth often. Clean your tongue with your toothbrush or a tongue everyday, because your tongue traps bacteria. Drink water often to avoid mouth dryness.

If you have to attend a meeting or a party you want to stop bad breath instantly, try out these ways.

1. Chew some dry coriander leaves.

2. Chew a piece of cardamon. It will help to eliminate bad breath instantly.

3. Chewing, gums helps to increase the saliva production in your mouth, and the more the saliva, the fewer the bacteria.

4. Chewing parsley leaves helps. It works against bad breath.

5. Another effective remedy against bad breath is lemon. Just apply a few drops of lemon on your tongue and drink mineral water. Gargling your mouth every morning and evening, after brushing your teeth, eliminate bad odor from your mouth.

6. Placing a slice of ginger on your tongue also helps to get rid of bad breath, because the ginger juice freshens your breath.

7. Gargling your mouth with warm water to which a tsp of  ginger juice and a tsp of lemon juice is added, is a very effective remedy for bad breath.

8. Put a few cloves into your mouth and keep chewing them. They are effective in getting rid of bad breath.

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There are quite a number of natural home remedies to eliminate bad breath, but in spite of your treatments, if the problem persists, please see your dentist immediately!!!