Small Business Information

Public Relations: Antidote for Small Business Failure

When small businesses fail, the wreckage is often assigned to undercapitalization, among other mistakes. Seldom is failure attributed to a lack of effective communications that might have modified the behavior of sales prospects in a positive way, thus averting bankruptcy.

Small Business Success - It?s a Matter of Confidence

I was floored! I couldn?t believe what they were saying! But there they sat -- three of the biggest film stars of our age -- telling the world they had issues with confidence. I was watching an interview where Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore were talking with Oprah Winfrey. Their conversation gave me a lot to think about in regard to small business success.

Small Business Failure? Nuts!

Pardon my enthusiasm, but a large part of your small business' success is somewhere else. Namely, out among the company's important external audiences.

Arent Small Businesses Lucky?

Why? Because they have access to world class public relations no matter how small they are.

The PR Commitment to Small Business

We're birds of a feather, public relations and small business. Wonderfully compatible and a perfect fit. Usually makes it easy to commit resources to small business success.

Definition of Security: Small Business Owner

Yes, that IS security when nobody can downsize you because you OWN that small business of yours! But preserving that special advantage is a never-ending job. In fact, do you know what needs to be preserved more than anything else?

Are You Using a Chess or Checkers Small Business Marketing Strategy?

Until the day I learned to play chess I loved playing checkers. Both games require a strategy that maximizes a player?s ability to capture her opponents pieces without first losing her own. Checkers was fun. But the complexities of chess lead to more satisfying victories and defeats.

Small Business and Branding ? Why and How?

When we speak of branding most of the time people try to relate it to big business house, however, the fact is that every business needs to establish their brand in order to survive the competition. This is nothing new; experts and management gurus had been preaching the same sermon for years now but what they have not told is why you need to brand your small business? How is branding going to help you to establish your business? How can you establish your brand without spending a fortune on it?

How To Choose A Franchise

You'd like to go into business for yourself, and believe that the best way for you to become your own boss is to buy a franchise. You know it will takes time and money to be successful, and that's OK. But which franchise should you buy? Which makes the most sense for you?

Finance Your Small Business: So Much Money, So Little Time

$37.4 million funded from venture capital today. $86.4 million funded yesterday. $51.4 million funded the day before.

Boy oh Boy, The Obstructions and Obstacles

The bad things starts with the letter ?O??.like Obstacles, Obstruction, Obscene?.overly-poor? There?s bound to obstructions and obstacles in everything that we do in life. Like riding a bicycle. We get a few scrapes and bruises and think that we?re never going to ride a bike ever again. We try to blow bubblegum and we blow it up in our own face and have our laughing friends jeering at us. We try to dress up only to find out that we look dowdy. Everything in life, there?s an obstacle.

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Joining a Professional Association

I'll be the first to admit that I went a little nuts when I moved I moved recently in terms of going all-out to participate in a variety of professional associations. I had some experience with most of the groups that I visited in other places I had lived, or had clients who had positive experiences with certain groups. I was so eager to become involved again in professional associations that instead of really paying attention to a group as it exists locally, I made decisions to join groups based on my past experiences and experiences of clients.

Do I Have to Do EVERYTHING Myself?!

The air in my client?s office nearly crackled with her irritation. A scheduling snafu had left a client without important services. ?I guess I just have to do everything myself,? she ranted.

Marketing Your Small Business - The Top 10 Brilliant Ideas

A Brilliant Marketing Idea... sounds great but what is it? Is it the idea that results in the mailman ringing your doorbell, signaling in a caravan of postal workers with mounds of letters (all in response to your latest advertisement)? Is it the idea that brings a 20% response rate on your direct mail campaign?

A Business Plan Is Not Worth A Cracker To A Struggling Business - A Plans The Last Thing It Needs

Before you start a business we encourage you to prepare a business plan. Without it your business has a 92% chance of failing within the first 12 months. Sometimes your business plan tells you that you should not go into business at all!

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