The ABCs of Fundraising

There are many little details that go into making sure your fundraising event is a successful event. The key is to have all your fundraising details laid out in front of you before you even start. Below are some tips to help you get started on the right foot for your fundraiser:

What is the purpose of your fundraiser? While this is the easiest question, it can sometimes be the hardest question to answer and convey to your sponsors. Why do you feel your company or organization should have a fundraiser? Do you need to raise funds for computers? Uniforms, expansions ? clearly define your purpose.

Next move onto the amount you would like to raise through your fundraising event. What is the amount you hope to achieve for your fundraiser to be considered a success? This number is very important, also be sure to estimate your expenses to run the fundraiser so you will have a free and clear amount that you earned and can disperse where needed.

Now figure out who you are going to approach for sponsorship of your fundraiser? What small businesses do you think would be most willing to donate and participate to your event? Do you hope to have other companies participate as a part of your fundraiser? For instance if you are in direct sales and you sell Tupperware, maybe a Mary Kay or Arbornne consultant may want to join you. They may also be interested in sponsorship as that will give them marketing for their business.

Hand out flyers, make phone calls, send out a press release ? these are all generally free ways of attracting excitement for your event. Most importantly what product will you be using for your fundraising effort? There are many fundraising ideas available; you just have to find the one that will fit with your group. The most popular fundraisers are ones that are easy to sell and collect money on. They include: chocolate, magazines, candles and more, the choice is yours!

Get all your fundraiser information, fundraising ideas and more! This season

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