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Why Most Advertisements Stink!

Question:�What do you think the most important part of any ad is?

Your company name?� Your telephone number?� Your offer?

Look at your own advertising.� What stands out?� What is in the largest print?� If it's your company name or logo hold out your wrist so I can whack it with a stick.

What's the answer?� THE HEADLINE!!

You see, without a good compelling headline it won't matter much how great your copy or you offer is, because few will ever read it.

REMEMBER: The Only Job Of A Headline Is To Get The Reader To Read The First Paragraph.

It should be big, bold, dark and easy to read.� But more importantly, it must force the reader to read on.


How do you know you have a powerful, effective headline?�

Here's a great acid test: separate the headline from everything else, out of context, and treat it as a classified ad; nothing but the headline and a response instruction....then ask yourself if people would respond.

So if your headline is, say, the name of your company, the classified ad would read:

"Acme Mortgage, No. 1 in service
and reliability.� For more info,
call 1-800-000-0000."

Trust me, that does NOT work.�

But if the headline is;

"6 Things You Must Know Before Getting
A Home Mortgage.� Free Report Tells All.
Call 1-800-000-0000".

That does work.

Put every headline you use in your ads, letters, flyers, brochures to this test.

Tips For Stronger Headlines

1. Telegraph a dynamic benefit or promise.

�(You want to evoke emotion in every advertisement, always answering the reader's questions, "What's in it for me?� And why should I continue reading this?")

Example:� "You Can Laugh At Money Worries -- If You Follow This Simple Plan"

2. Add "How To" to the beginning.

Example:��� "How To Escape the Debt Rat-Race And Get Debt-Free, Fast....."

3. "Flag" your targeted prospects.� Let them know who the ad is talking too.�

Example:��"Credit Card Payment Sufferers: How To End The Pain In 3 Days!"

4. Arouse curiosity.�

Example:� "What Your Banker Doesn't Want You To Know"

5. Use meaningful specifics.

(3 days is more "specific" than "in days").

Example:� "I Instantly Saved $103,239.83 and Never Took The TV Remote Out Of My Hand"

6. Use powerful attention-grabbing words.

(Like "Warning", "Guaranteed", "New", "Now.")

Example:�� "WARNING: Credit Card Users May Be Paying To Much"

For a free instant reference guide that reveals time tested formulas to create dynamite, attention-getting headlines visit:

Shawn Meldrum has spent the last two decades marketing everything from almonds to landscape lighting.� He currently specializes in marketing for mortgage brokers, loan officers and real estate agents.� For free mortgage marketing articles and much more visit:

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