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Nutritional Supplements Information |
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Are You Flushing Your Money Down The Toilet...Literally?
Many of you are probably aware that The American Medical Association has officially declared that all adults should be taking food supplements. Taking a multivitamin/mineral and an antioxidant every day is now doctor-recommended. Like most people, you probably buy your multi-vitamin from your local drug store or GNC. You've looked at the label to see what's in those little pills and, assuming it passes the test, you purchase it. What if you knew that the money you were spending on vitamins was literally being flushed down the toilet? Would you continue to spend your hard-earned cash on something that was doing absolutely nothing for you? Millions of Americans are trying to lead healthier lives by taking vitamin and mineral supplements. The problem is that MOST vitamin supplements have less than a 20% absorption rate. The remaining 80% is going down the toilet?that is why you don't FEEL any different when you take your vitamins. In Salt Lake City, for instance, over 150 gallons of undigested vitamin and mineral pills show up in their filters every month. In Tacoma, Washington 25,000 pounds of undigested vitamin and mineral pills (some with their brand names still legible) are pulled out of the sewers every 6 weeks! What is the solution, you ask? Scientists have developed a way to increase your body's absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Your body naturally absorbs the sugar fructose (a fruit sugar) so, they bound the vitamins and minerals to the fructose. This is called fructose compounding and it increases your body's absorption rate to 98%. Imagine taking a vitamin every day and reaping the benefits of balanced nutrition. The key is in taking a supplement that your body can USE. What can you do about it? Do some research on companies that use this patented delivery system. There are a few reputable companies that sell vitamins your body can use. Some are more expensive than others, so look around. They can be found in liquid or pill form (both work equally well with this delivery system). Switching to a vitamin that you can actually use can have tremendous effects on your energy level and sense of well-being. If you are already spending your money on a supplement to improve your health, why not try one that can make a difference! Jennifer Smith is a dentist and also works from home with a wellness company to promote health and safety in homes across North America. To receive free information on how to improve your family's health and safety, send a request via email to [email protected].
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What Vitamin Supplement is Best for Gastric Bypass Patients The multi-vitamin market is rich with choice. It's also very confusing. There are mega's, potents, super all-day's, vegetarian formulas, geriatric formulas, athlete's formulas, recipes for men and women and teens! There are some things gastric bypass patients must consider when selecting a multi-vitamin supplement. Are Bodybuilding Supplements Really Necessary? Bodybuilding supplements generally fall under the classification of dietary supplements, therefore they are not regulated by the FDA. There is absolutely nothing guaranteeing the purity of body building supplements, or the safety of using them. In addition, the manufacturer can claim benefits of the product that have not been tested or proven. Enzyme Supplements for Digestion and Health Most people understand the concept of vitamin and mineral supplementation, however not many grasp the fact that these are the raw materials and not the workers for implementing health. To Supplement or Not to Supplement; That is the Question Some fitness adherents are supplement crazy and spend money like a Vegas drunk with a big roll trying to impress girls he barely knows. I know lots of folks who admit to spending hundreds of bucks each month on the newest, latest dietary or supplement craze. A subtler shade of this same affliction is the cutting-edge Elite who also purchase lots of supplements and spend lots of disposable income on nutritional supplements of some type or another, the newer the better for this crew. Both ends of the fitness feeding chain are seduced by supplements that promise everything and deliver very little. There is something intrinsic and rooted deep in the human psyche that eternally searches for a miracle pill, potion, compound, substance or procedure that will do one of three things: make you lean, make you muscular and make you look and feel decades younger than your actual chronologic age. Congestive Heart Failure And CoQ10 Since the 1960�??s there have been numerous controlled clinical trials concerning the relationship between congestive heart failure and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). As its name implies CoQ10 is a coenzyme that is necessary for the proper functioning of other substances, one of the most important of which is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is necessary for the production of cellular energy. By proxy CoQ10 is likewise essential for this process. Colostrum: Immune Support From Mothers Milk This complex mixture of nutrient-rich growth factors, immunoglobulins, glycoconjugates and a variety of other important immune boosting compounds is a natural way to improve your physical health and well-being. Recommended Supplements for Weight Loss There is a lot of confusion about weight loss supplementation, how to use, what to use and how much to use. In this article you will find the pick of today's latest supplements on the market and armed with the right information you will have the knowledge to burn more body fat and have more energy for the things you want to do. Vitamin C - The Key to Great Health Vitamin C is important to all animals, including humans, because it is vital to the production of collagen. Vitamin C is also important because it helps protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as fatty acids from oxidation. Vitamin C prevents and cures the disease scurvy, and can be beneficial in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. I have to confess that I knew nothing until I joined my pharmacy, about what collagen was, and why it was so important? Collagen is the most ubiquitous substance in the body because it is the most abundant of the fibers contained in connective tissue. Connective tissue gives our body form and supports our organs. Collagen is everywhere in the body, and vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. So, how is vitamin C involved in collagen synthesis? When collagen is produced, there is a complex series of events, some occurring inside of the cell, and some outside of the cell. Vitamin C acts inside the cell, where it adds hydrogen and oxygen to proline and lysine, the amino acids. This helps form a procollagen that is later modified into collagen outside the cell. Vitamin Nutritional Supplements: Tips, Myths, Facts, and Online Store! With dietary supplements making their way in our daily life, we find it difficult to survive without them. We have very smartly and effectively heralded these supplements as panacea for all ills. But as the saying goes, too much of even good things can be bad! So, we should be cautious enough not to make supplements our oxygen. To know your thresholds of the supplements, read on. Folate (Folic Acid) - A Health Supplement You probably know that ladies who are planning on having a family, should take Folate (Folic Acid) in their diet, or as a supplementary, because it is one of the well known B-Vitamin group, that has a role in preventing Spina Bifida in babies, but did you know that research is finding that it helps in a number of other problems as well. Omega 3 Fish Oil EPA and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Since the release of a book called" beat chronic fatigue the natural" many people are turning to the natural substance omega 3, and in particular pure ethyl epa to help treat the debilitating condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Finding Fish Fetuses and infants simply must get enough omega-3 oils for ideal brain development. In a research study of premature babies, those who were fed breast milk had eight points higher IQ at age eight than those fed a standard bay formula. This suggests that the higher amounts of DHA in breast milk can attribute to increased intelligence. Mens Herbal Health Care ? Health Enhancement Supplements Over recent years, mens herbal health care has become big business. Men are now just as keen as women to enhance life with supplements, vitamin tablets, and various supplements that can aid good health and well being. As a result, there are now a number of mens herbal health care products available, which are designed to improve and enhance various aspects of men's health or simply provide overall well-being. However, it is important to ensure that you buy only quality products that meet the strictest standards, as this will enable you to enjoy safe, effective health enhancement. Amino Acid Basics ? Why Do We Need Them? Finding out a little about amino acid basics enables you to get an insight into why these acids are so important to our bodies. These acids are known as the building blocks of protein, and they are vital to our bodies for many reasons. The day to day function of our bodies relies heavily on adequate amino acid levels, and these acids can affect everything from growth to the body's natural treatment of injury and disease. Any deficiency in amino acids can result in ill health. These acids play a big part in the proper function and natural treatment of your body, and it is important to ensure that you do not become deficient in your amino acid levels. Below is a little information regarding amino acid basics when it comes to your health. Ephedra Ban Lifted April 14,2005 federal judge Tena Campbell of the federal district court in Salt Lake City Utah reversed the ban on ephedra. Keeping Tabs on Niacin Vitamin B3 is one of the vitamins that make up the nutritional powerhouse known as the Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B3 is also called niacin, nicotinic acid and niacinamide and serves many vital purposes in the proper functioning of the body and the mind. Using Antioxidants in Your Weight Loss Program If you're smart, you should not only be focused on your goal to lose weight but to maximize your weight loss program to its full extent by getting some health benfits out of it as well, and make them priority #1. Coral Calcium: The Preferred Source of Absorbable Calcium Coral Calcium is an excellent source of readily accessible and absorbable calcium in the body. Superior 100% pure fossilized, coral calcium is harvested from above ground, meaning that no harm is done to any living coral. The Shocking Truth About Eight Deadly Diseases That May Be Affecting Your Health and Lifestyle I came across an article written by Dr. Ray Strand, a family practitioner and author of several books including What Your Doctor Doesn't know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You; Releasing Fat; Developing Healthy Lifestyles That Have a Side-effect of Permanent Fat Loss; and Bionutrition: The Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin Supplements, to name a few. I would like to share with you what Dr. Strand has to say about "the eight deadly diseases that are sending people to an early grave". Calcium Supplement Calcium Supplement ? why calcium. ![]() |
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