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Acne Hormones - Natural Acne Hormone Balancing Treatments for Clear Skin
Can you treat a headache or stomach ache externally, without somehow manipulating your natural bodily functions internally (aka popping a pill)? NO! Then why would you try to treat acne that way? Many acne treatment systems today such as Proactiv, target acne only from the outside, and do not address the issue interanally, as it should be for lasting and dramatic results. If you are really serious about treating acne and really eliminating it at it's source (ie the hormones that cause acne), then you owe it to yourself to try a natural acne hormone treatment which is specifically designed to equalize hormone imbalance and purify the skin from the inside out using special blends of herbs, botanicals, and/or natural compounds such as Vitamin E and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Why Go Natural? Because many people who have not been responsive to conventional acne treatments, or their effectiveness has worn off due to long term use, experience superior results with natural acne treatments. Acne can actually be caused by two different hormones in women. It's usually an overabundance of androgens (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones). In men, it can also be caused by imbalances in male and female hormones. This hormonal imbalance triggers the breakouts by over-stimulating the oil glands on acne prone areas of the body, which then results in a clogging of the pore, hence that thing we all know and love - the pimple. Antioxidants are also very potent as hormonal equalizers, as well as "blood purifiers", and their properties foster an environment for mending skin eruptions as well as preventing new breakouts and promoting a healthy glow and skin tone. Most natural acne treatments are designed to do two things: 1.) Help correct hormonal imbalances related to acne breakouts. 2.) Reduce inflammation and swelling, and pave the way for fast skin repair where breakouts have recently occurred. Some other tips you can follow to help prevent unsightly breakouts are: 1.) Drink plenty of water. This helps to cleanse the system, and results in clearer, more hydrated skin. 2.) Avoid caffeine and caffeine-containing products like chocolate or supplements containing caffeine or other stimulants. 3.) Relax. Try a calming exercise for when you get stressed out. Stress triggers breakouts for many individuals. 4.) Avoid harsh cleansers or toners - these can only aggravate acne and cause further irritation and redness. 5.) Use a light, non-comedogenic (non pore-clogging) sunscreen. While it is true a suntan may camouflage breakouts, it mostly aggravates them by forcing further oil production due to its drying effects. Try using a good facial self tanner instead. If you follow these few simple skincare principles, and combine them with a high quality acne treatment targeted to balance hormones and internally "cleanse", you really can't lose. Your complexion will thank you! Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of CosmeticsGalore.com http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com/natural-acne-remedies.html , a site for beauty enthusiasts which identifies and reviews the best cosmetic improvement products on the market today. Gives testimonials and the latest in cosmetic technology.
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Vitamin Supplements ? A Pill is Not Always the Answer Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies use, in very small amounts, for a variety of metabolic processes. Taking vitamins 'just in case' is not a habit that anyone should get into and it is always recommended that vitamins are taken through wholesome and quality food. Antioxidants Biological oxidation involves transferring electrons from one oxygen molecule to another. Sometimes an electron escapes. When this happens the "free" electron is called a free radical. Free radicals constantly form almost everywhere in the body at an astonishing rate. Free radicals can be enemies or friends. Our body's internal environment must interact with them the right way, or they can cause serious damage. The key is to maintain the optimal balance between free radicals and antioxidants. Natural Human Growth Hormone: Hope or Hoax? You may feel 30, but your body keeps reminding you you're not. You fatigue easily. Your bones and joints hurt more often. The only part of your body that's thinning is your hair. Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. With increasing age, physically and mentally healthy adults gradually become less fit and more vulnerable to illness and death. However, these changes happen at different rates in different people. Body Calling: The Healthiest Women in the World In September 2004 Orange County, California published an article "OC Women are the Healthiest Women in the world." Location Location. Location. Pretty much is the case for these women. Well not everyone is so fortunate to be raised in or live by a resort town. But no matter where you live you can mimick these important factors. Coenzyme Q10 - Learn All the Wonderful Properties of this Vitamin-Like Nutrient Sometimes I ask myself why this wonderful antioxidant supplement was given such a technical name, many people feel intimidated by the name alone, thus refusing to take CoQ10. But the truth is that this nutrient is one of the most effective antioxidants and it has been proven to help many serious diseases. In this issue, we will study in depth the benefits and properties that researchers have found in this "vitamin like" substance called Coenzyme Q10. A Mothers Fish Tale Sometimes I used to look at my son Shawn and ask: who is this little monster I gave birth to? Of course I did love him, but he was an absolute terror. If "terrible 2" had a dictionary definition, Shawn's picture would definately be there. Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements Most healthy eaters are familiar with the three macronutrients that garner the most media attention within the diet world: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Indeed, some highly regarded eating programs, such as the Isometric Diet�, are designed to deliver an optimal balance of these three macronutrients. Can Calcium Aid in Boosting Your Health? A popular mineral today, coral calcium, is mainly calcium, but is also abundant in many trace sea minerals. Some people consider coral calcium to be nature's purest calcium supplement. Harvested from sea marine coral in Okinawa, Japan, coral calcium has been consumed by Okinawan's for many, many years. Coral Calcium: The Preferred Source of Absorbable Calcium Coral Calcium is an excellent source of readily accessible and absorbable calcium in the body. Superior 100% pure fossilized, coral calcium is harvested from above ground, meaning that no harm is done to any living coral. Antioxidants Nutrients Have Powerful Anti-Cancer Activity! Antioxidants . . . The Nutrients Boost The Immune System and Have Powerful Anti-Cancer Activity . . . Health and nutrition experts have increasingly come to recognize the value of taking a synergistic blend of potent antioxidants, the cancer-fighting, health-promoting nutrients that help boost the immune system naturally. Heres a summary of major antioxidants that should be considered for daily intake . . . Researchers analyzed data from the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET). They focused on blood samples from 278 subjects with prostate cancer and 483 matched subjects without cancer. They analyzed blood levels of several carotenoids, including lutein vitamin A and vitamin E (alpha and gamma tocopherols), then identified correlations between those levels and the risk of lung and prostate cancer. Results: In the overall population, the highest intakes of lutein, zeaxanthin and alpha-tocopherol were associated with a significantly lower risk Bodybuilding Supplements May Not Be Necessary To supplement or not to supplement ? that is the question on more bodybuilder's lips than ever before. Are they safe? What works and what doesn't? Why Do Supplements Make You Sick? I have good news for you! The answer is both yes and no, depending on how you look at it. What If You Could Turn Back The Clock To When You Were healthy? What if there was a solution to protecting and restoring your health. What if you could turn back the clock and return to when you were healthy. You wonder why we have such horrific health problems, yet its right in front of your eyes. You all know that nutrition is important, but do you know why. What if given the right nutrition your body could heal itself of anything, and I mean anything. What if this was true and all you needed to do was give your body the right nutrition. Megadosing If you're constantly digging your hand into a jar of vitamins, popping one into your mouth faster than you can chew the last one, then take this word of advice. Should I Be Taking Vitamin Supplements? Most people believe that they are reasonably healthy. Exercise, having a solid diet, and keeping stress to a minimum is a great way to live a longer, happier, and healthier life. That being said, will taking vitamin supplements help you even more? Who should take vitamin supplements? Are vitamin supplements only for extremely unhealthy people who simply don't have the time to exercise and eat right? You may be surprised to find out that vitamin supplements are a good idea for everyone, even the healthiest people. Using Natural Remedies For Constipation There are two basic types of constipation - organic and functional. Organic constipation is a result of some physical change, obstruction, or distortion in your colon. This type of constipation needs immediate attention from a doctor. All-Natural HGH Releasers- Does Neugenisis Really Work? I began a quest to examine over 25 "leading products" in capsule, spray, or tablet form within the HGH field. Efficacy was examined, as well as product marketing approach, manufacturers reputation, and overall customer support and guidance. These were several areas of concentration throughout this review. I have found an unfortunate amount of "information" or "review" sites that fail to share actual valid or informative content on HGH, its importance, or role in the aging process. There seems to be many sites promoting their own products under the guise of certain "physician or nurse" type endorsers in an effort to claim legitimacy. Steroid Stars A long time ago, in the country far, far away, a young boy decided he wanted to change his stars for good. He decided that bodybuilding would be his ticket to the top and starts pumping iron. He quickly became successful, but that was partially due to the fact that bodybuilding was the least popular sport in his country at the time. He continued to win other prizes all over Europe, but realized that he could only succeed completely if he went to U.S. and win it there. Tips on Taking Colostrum When selecting a brand of Colostrum, you should be sure that it is collected within 24 hours of birth, as that is the time period in which Colostrum has the highest concentration of important immune and growth factors. For best results, Colostrum should not have been exposed to high heat pasteurization, which can cause damage to many of the contained proteins. Processing methods may vary between products, but it is always a good idea to confirm that the product you are purchasing is 100% free of growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. The Colostrum products recommended by ImmuneWellness.com are guaranteed to be free of these substances. Nutritional Supplements: The Amazing Vitamin C The real facts about Vitamin C may surprise you. First of all what is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. Unlike the oil soluble vitamins such as A and E, Vitamin C cannot be stored by your body. Since Vitamin C is not stored by your body, we need to get it from our diet or from supplements. ![]() |
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