The Struggle

Sometime one must coax the words out.

Each day is a struggle to sit before the computer and produce-produce words that are appropriate, produce sentences that are logical, produce paragraphs that are focused, and produce a page that is relevant to the project-whether it is a poem, a short story, an article, an essay, or part of a novel.

Once the determination is made to sit and produce, then the output seems easier even if one has to wrest the words from a blank mind. Once started, the flow becomes inevitable, although the ideas may not be what was intended or planned. At times, it implies that one is not in command, and at other times one is not.

Sometime one must dredge the words from the soul to produce something, anything, but one must strive to be in control and focused on the piece that one has under consideration even if it is nothing more than an entry in a journal, a diary, or a forum of any kind.

If the writer concentrates on communicating with the intended reader, the ideas will come, and if the ideas come, the words to express them will also come. That is the nature of writing-to share ideas with others.

So whether you have to coax, prod, or drag the words, the sentences, the paragraphs out, the important objective is to create a composition that will be an adequate expression of the writer's thoughts.

Charles O. Goulet has a BA in literature. He has published several books that are available at,, and many other book stores.

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